Wade Okinaka + Elise Lacher - Part 1: Culture of Caring Makes Traditional Workplaces Better

Ep 4

How can you create engaged teams with autonomy in a top down workplace? Can middle managers make a difference?  Yes! Wade Okinaka and Elise Lacher share the self management and human centered practices that they bring into traditional hierarchical workplaces while hitting the metrics.

Wade’s “How can I help you?” style translates into loyal teams. He skillfully navigates between top metric-driven management and his hourly waged ops team with a soulful and resilient approach. Elise infuses her accounting acumen with a stop ‘parenting children at work’ approach.

This chat with my SemcoStyle friends includes why these practices are just as good for managers as they are for those reporting to them, hiring practices ,and how to Wade handles people who aren’t staying accountable.

About Wade Okinaka and Elise Lacher

Wade Okinaka



Elise Lacher, co-founder Strategic Veterinary Consulting and c-founder Enlightened Rebels  



Resources Mentioned

Love Berries by Jordan Lyon :  https://www.startercultures.us/

  Love Berry Intra-Community Currency Intro -- Greaterthan Thriving Networks Course





Wade Okinaka + Elise Lacher - Part 2: Culture of Caring Makes Traditional Workplaces Better


Ron Quartel – FASTAgile: forming a marketplace with experiments