Ron Quartel – FASTAgile: forming a marketplace with experiments

Ep 3

Ron Quartel’s roots in extreme programming lead him to develop FAST Agile (fluid scaling technology), where people form a marketplace around the work. We talk about FAST Agile and the 2 year experiment he ran using it and why the team decided to discontinue it.

He shares why he loves 10% time, hackathons and Open Space; and how T-shaped colleagues grow through the give and take of both  mentoring and coaching. Lastly,  he challenges us with an idea for modernizing the pair programming model (popularized at Menlo Innovations) to incorporate more freedom.

About Ron   (Fluid Scaling Technology)


Resources Mentioned

INSPIRED: How to Create Tech Products Custoners Love by Marty Cagan

The Lean Startup by Eric Ries

A conversation that inspired me to around experiments was Leadermorphsis episode 66 with Lisa Gill and Margaret Heffernan on how to act our way out of the status quo trap –



Wade Okinaka + Elise Lacher - Part 1: Culture of Caring Makes Traditional Workplaces Better


Elise Lacher + Bill Kearley - Communication, hiring and purpose for veterinarians