Sonja Robinson - The power of peer coaching
Ep 7
The past two years have raised awareness of our need for simplicity and community – to simply share and have a conversation with like-minded people and to feel helped and supported. This is true across all aspects of our lives and it is especially true now as we experience work life, family and home life, and societal life in new ways.
Where can we find and build this type of community and the promises that it holds?
In the last episode, we talked about the journey of human development through coaching with John Thompson on “Redefine the role of MGR with the PCO Group.“
I really wanted to further explore peer coaching, and so I invited coach Sonja Robinson to join me. Sonja partners with John Thompson in the PCO Group.
Sonja and I talk about the mechanics of a peer group and the role of a trained coach or facilitator.
How the learnings from the wisdom of the crowd can be quite quick to learn and through this process, how one can change their attitudes which leads to new behaviors. She shares the impact that this process has had on the people in her peer coaching circles.