Unlearn to learn: cairns to guide your journey
What the heck is a self-managed organization, anyway? What’s a human centric organization? What is the future of work through the lens of progressive organizations?
What’s possible?
Who is doing this?
Where do I go to unlearn and start my journey?
I’m sharing a few suggestions to explore this broad topic and this movement, using the guides that I have personally found useful and insightful.
I invite you to consider these cairns as starting vectors - they are by no means exhaustive.
For those looking for a description of self-managed organization, I’ll offer this one which just scratches the surface:
Harvard researchers Amy Edmonson and Michael Y. Lee have described self-managing organizations as “those that radically decentralize authority in a formal and systematic way throughout the organization.”
Description courtesy of Kate Beecroft: https://medium.com/centrifuge/k-factory-the-ins-and-outs-of-a-self-managing-organization-35e3c0fc2c2a
I want to share 2 of my foundational cairns.
First - I credit Susan Basterfield with the phrase “unlearn to learn” which I first heard when she and Lisa Gill guided my cohort of GreaterThan’s Practical Self Management. To move forward, we need to be aware of our biases and shed many of our long-standing beliefs and practices. We need to change.
Second - to Doug Kirkpatrick for advancing 2 fundamental principles that form the underpinning of self-managed organizations: 1) do no harm (noncoercion) and 2) keep your commitments. I’ve tested these principles against so many others out there and, truly, I agree with him that all self managed principles boil down to these 2 principles. It is that simple, and that challenging.
Notably missing from these cairns: personal development and growth, and awareness of social, emotional, and leadership intelligence. ‘Start with yourself’ is critical to this movement and worthy of its own space.
If you have time for just one resource, I’ve offered a ** as a worthy cairn.
pioneering books that launched and continue to inspire the self-management and Teal movements:
Maverick by Ricardo Semler
Reinventing organizations by Frederick Laloux
self managed organizations | new organizational structures: networks of autonomous teams
These made an impact on me. Which videos resonated with you?
** Beyond empowerment - are we ready for the self-managed organization? Doug Kirkpatrick at TEDxChico https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ej4n3w4kMa4
Talks at Google with Aaron Dignan, author of Brace New Work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOiP4mJwqE0
Gary Hamel and Michele Zanini on ‘humanocracy’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqWac1tbqno
SemcoStyle Talks with Ricardo Semler https://semcostyle.com/semco-style-talks-ricardo-semler/
Too many to choose from. Here’s just a taste …
** The 8 Trends of highly progressive organizations https://corporate-rebels.com/trends
Explore GreaterThan’s toolbox of articles, books, tools, templates and practices that Greaterthan members use in their work. They are free for you to use under a Creative Commons license. https://www.greaterthan.works/toolbox
Destroy The Hierarchical Pyramid And Build A Powerful Network of Teams https://corporate-rebels.com/rebel-trends-2-network-of-teams/
A series of Invitations to see things differently by Susan Basterfield https://typeshare.co/susanbasterfield
The Role of Source by Peter Koenig https://peterkoenig.typepad.com/eng/the-role-of-source/
Again, too many to choose from. I selected Ricardo’s because it gives a narrative feel for his journey.
Managing without Managers by Ricardo Semler https://hbr.org/1989/09/managing-without-managers
There are many, many books. These are ones that I’ve read. What books are your favorites?
** Lead Together : The Bold, Brave, Intentional Path to Scaling Your Business by Brent Lowe, Susan Basterfield, Travis Marsh Keep this next to you as a field guide.
** The No-Limits Enterprise: Organizational Self-Management in the New World of Work by Doug Kirkpatrick This, too, is a field guide to keep close.
Beyond Empowerment by Doug Kirkpatrick
Mooseheads on the Table by Lisa Gill and Karin Tenelius
Going Horizontal by Samantha Slade
Humanocracy by Gary Hamel
Work with Source by Tom Nixon
There are many podcasts. These are ones that I regularly listen to. Which ones inspire you?
Inspired Teams - Hosted by Catherine Jaeger. Where we explore how human centered organizations make working together better.
Leadermorphsis - Hosted by Lisa Gill, a podcast about self-management and leadership
Brave New Work - Hosted by The Ready. What's stopping us from doing the best work of our lives? It's the way we work.
Boundaryless - Hosted by Simone Cicero and Stina Heikkila, with other occasional co-hosts. Explore the newly emerging perspectives about how we organize at scale in a rapidly changing world